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Returns private information about this node.



Authorization: Authorization

name: Authorizationtype: apiKeydescription: JWT Tokenin: header

Returns private information about this node.



Returns information about this node.

    l1Params L1Paramsrequired
    baseToken BaseTokenrequired
    decimals int32required

    The token decimals

    name stringrequired

    The base token name

    subunit stringrequired

    The token subunit

    tickerSymbol stringrequired

    The ticker symbol

    unit stringrequired

    The token unit

    useMetricPrefix booleanrequired

    Whether or not the token uses a metric prefix

    maxPayloadSize int32required

    The max payload size

    protocol ProtocolParametersrequired
    bech32Hrp stringrequired

    The human readable network prefix

    belowMaxDepth int32required

    Possible values: >= 1

    The networks max depth

    minPowScore int32required

    Possible values: >= 1

    The minimal PoW score

    networkName stringrequired

    The network name

    rentStructure RentStructurerequired
    vByteCost int32required

    Possible values: >= 1

    The virtual byte cost

    vByteFactorData int32required

    The virtual byte factor for data fields

    vByteFactorKey int32required

    The virtual byte factor for key/lookup generating fields

    tokenSupply stringrequired

    The token supply

    version int32required

    The protocol version

    peeringURL stringrequired

    The net id of the node

    publicKey stringrequired

    The public key of the node (Hex)

    version stringrequired

    The version of the node

curl -L -X GET '/v1/node/info' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <API_KEY_VALUE>'
Request Collapse all
Base URL

Click the Send API Request button above and see the response here!