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Look up a commitment by a given commitment ID.



Look up a commitment by a given commitment ID.


Path Parameters

    commitmentId stringrequired

    Commitment ID of the commitment to look up.

    Example: 0x7a09324557e9200f39bf493fc8fd6ac43e9ca750c6f6d884cc72386ddcb7d695


Successful operation.

    protocolVersion integerrequired

    The version of the protocol running.

    slot integerrequired

    The slot index of the commitment.

    previousCommitmentId stringrequired

    The commitment identifier of the previous slot.

    rootsId stringrequired

    The digest of multiple merkle roots within this slot.

    cumulativeWeight stringrequired

    The sum of previous slot commitment cumulative weight and weight of issuers of accepted blocks within index minus Maximum Committable Age. It indicates the weight of the chain at index minus Maximum Committable Age committed at index slot.

    referenceManaCost stringrequired

    This field provides the Reference Mana Cost (RMC) to be used in the slot with index Index + Max Committable Age.
