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Get information about the peers of the node.


Get information about the peers of the node.



Successful operation.

  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    The identifier of the peer.

    multiAddresses string[]required

    The addresses of the peer.

    alias string

    The alias of the peer.

    relation stringrequired

    Possible values: [known, unknown, autopeered]

    connected booleanrequired

    Tells whether the peer is connected or not.

    gossip Gossip

    Information about the gossip stream with the peer.

    heartbeat Heartbeatnullablerequired

    Information about the most recent heartbeat of the peer. The heartbeat is null if none has been received yet.

    solidMilestoneIndex integerrequired

    The most recent milestone that has been solidified by the node.

    prunedMilestoneIndex integerrequired

    Tells from which starting point the node holds data.

    latestMilestoneIndex integerrequired

    The most recent milestone known to the node.

    connectedNeighbors integerrequired

    Tells how many connected peers the node has.

    syncedNeighbors integerrequired

    Tells how many synced peers the node has.

    metrics Metricsrequired

    Metrics about the gossip stream with the peer.

    newBlocks integerrequired

    The number of received blocks that were new for the node.

    knownBlocks integerrequired

    The number of received blocks that already were known to the node.

    receivedBlocks integerrequired

    The number of received blocks from the peer.

    receivedBlockRequests integerrequired

    The number of received block requests from the peer.

    receivedMilestoneRequests integerrequired

    The number of received milestone requests from the peer.

    receivedHeartbeats integerrequired

    The number of received heartbeats from the peer.

    sentBlocks integerrequired

    The number of sent blocks to the peer.

    sentBlockRequests integerrequired

    The number of sent block requests to the peer.

    sentMilestoneRequests integerrequired

    The number of sent milestone requests to the peer.

    sentHeartbeats integerrequired

    The number of sent heartbeats to the peer.

    droppedPackets integerrequired

    The number of dropped packets.

  • ]
curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
Request Collapse all
Base URL

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